January 23rd, 1944



This film is a treasure. It's one of the best examples of the theory and practice of the art of camouflaging military targets from air observation & attack that you'll find anywhere, presented in a highly entertaining Disney style full color animation supplemented by live action film. Hosted by “Yehudi the Chameleon,” the action is centered around a P-39 Airacobra base in the Pacific and is chocked full of useful information & “how-tos.” Some of the many things you'll learn: how camouflage works in Nature, analyzing the specific camouflage needs of your location, theories and application of different camouflages, hiding in shadow, using camouflage netting, creating dummy targets, breaking up distinctive shadow lines that outline structures, concealment by “blending,” making “trees,” hiding routes & paths or creating fake ones, hiding targets in plain sight by adding minimal camouflage and more.

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