October 9th, 1941

Tonto Basin Outlaws


Number 10 in Monogram's series of 24 "Range Busters" westerns, Crash Corrigan, Dusty King and Alibi Terhune, the Range Busters,enlist in Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders during the Spanish-American War, but are mustered out and sent to Wyoming to clean up a cattle-rustling situation that is affecting the Army's meat supply. Arriving in North Butte, Crash's home town, they all get separate jobs. Jane Blanchard, a reporter from the Denver Daily, also arrives in town in search of a story, and is posing as a waitress. They learn that Jeff Miller is behind the huge combine of rustlers, but Miller also learns that they are the Range Busters and are on his trail. He and his henchmen engage the out-numbered Crash and Alibi in a fight, but Dusty stampedes a large herd of Miller's stolen cattle into the midst of the fray.

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